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How to Develop English Writing Skills? By Kanza Absar

Updated: Apr 29, 2022

Writing is an overwhelming experience for many people, especially those who do not write for a living. Although, learning different skills to become a better writer isn’t difficult at all. All it takes is good practice, vocabulary, innovative ideas and a good writing structure. Most importantly, good practice is needed to improve writing skills, and all of us do that unknowingly almost every day by writing social media posts or emails to someone or just typing a text message.

Some of the effective ways to improve overall writing skills are mentioned below:

Structure the writing

It is important to structure the writing so that readers can understand the point you are trying to make. Things need to flow effortlessly in your writing to make the point and try not to over-explain things as this might confuse the readers. Plan in advance how many paragraphs or words you need to explain yourself. Make sure to write to the point and avoid unnecessary information.

Use the linking words like although, however, in addition to, moreover, etc. This would help keep the information flow accordingly without breaking up the conversation.

Practice writing every day

It’s a great saying, ‘Practice makes a man perfect', so if you practice writing daily, it will help you develop your writing skills. Try to make it a habit to write something every day in your spare time, not long notes, which is time-consuming, but a short paragraph. It really helps you write like a pro and become a good writer.

Read more

Reading on a daily basis is one of the important and easy ways to develop your writing skills. Reading different types of material helps in broadening the way you think and understand things. This would help improve how you craft and plan your words for writing. Moreover, try to find out what you like in your favourite article or blog post or your favourite author’s book when you read it and highlight it for yourself. Examine the words and sentences and also the tone and style they use in writings that you like and whether you can use them in your writing. So, make it a habit to read as much as you can on an everyday basis and improve your writing skills.

Use simple words and develop a clear message.

It is also important to use simple words in your writing that the readers can understand. It is good to use good vocabulary but make sure not to use million-dollar words because not everyone is a poet.

It is also very important to convey a clear message to your readers. Keep your audience in your mind before you start writing something; what message do you want to convey to your readers and what message do they take from your writing.

So, it is very necessary to use simple words and write your message to the point that conveys a clear message to the readers and helps them to understand easily.

Join a workshop or take online classes

Nowadays, where everything become computerized and getting information about any topic is so easy, there are so many free online courses available for learning writing skills. You can take any online English writing class and learn new writing skills and writing styles in your own comfort zone. You can also join any workshop that is organized for the people who learn new writing skills and styles and want to become a good writer.


Find a writing partner

Even though the writing is a solo journey, finding a partner who is interested in the same field can help to develop better skills related to the field. They can point out the weaknesses in your work and can help to improve the results. You can also partner up with your teacher or someone else who also trying to improve their writing skills. Read each other’s work and find out the mistakes or make changes if it is needed.

Read it yourself

Read your writing to yourself as this would allow you to analyse how it would sound to the readers. If it needs tweaking, add a few sentences to make it sound good and simple. As mentioned, keep it simple and readable. Always make sure to proofread. Sometimes when writing in a hurry, it is inevitable to make mistakes. Autocorrect points out some of the basic mistakes but it is important to proofread before submitting the work.

Be yourself

When you write, just be yourself. It is okay to use words that you normally use in conversations but without overdoing it. In addition, it is completely okay if your first draft comes up as not so good. Do not let your first draft discourage you, just take your time and make the arrangement in your text accordingly.

These all-necessary points will help you a lot to develop your writing skills and you can write anything easily, whether related to your academic requirements or in general.

Author: Kanza Absar


ESOL Level 1 Student - The Manchester College

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11 comentarios

Faria Zehra
Faria Zehra
01 jun 2022

This article is very useful and informative for the beginners all points are important to enhance the writing skills.

Me gusta

Alvina Atif
Alvina Atif
01 jun 2022

This article contains all the key points that are required for writing an article. I really appreciate your efforts for sharing your knowledge with others.

Keep it up kanza !

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Syed Ahmed Ali
Syed Ahmed Ali
01 jun 2022

This is very perfect and very informative article and well structured for every individuals who are passionate and love to read and write on any subject whether it is related to current affairs or for the past history. Well done author it is very helpful and useful article

Me gusta

Excellent writing Kanza👍🏻

Me gusta

shaikh waqas
shaikh waqas
31 may 2022

Very informative thanks for sharing your knowledge

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